How to survive 30+ minutes on the stairmaster

Cardio is inevitable if you want to get and stay healthy - heart wise and mental health wise. Like I said in my previous post, I’ve been aiming for 30 minutes of movement a day and when I’m resting from lifting, this usually includes going for a 30 minute incline walk, bike ride (stationary bike…don’t get ahead of yourself!!!) or a 30 min stairmaster climb.

The stairmaster is one of those machines that everyone dreads, but it’s so good for you. 30+ minutes at once can feel overwhelming so I wanted to share what I do when I’m not in one of those “can’t wait to do this!” moods.

  • Listen to a podcast - my favs are Almost 30, The Skinny Confidential & Everything is The Best — Sometimes they film them and you can find video recordings on Youtube so you can watch as you listen

  • !Break up the time! - set a goal to get through 5 mins and either pause the machine or stop for a water break. This will make the 30 minutes seem more doable. And just because you take breaks doesn’t mean the work isn’t getting done. As time goes on, you can set a goal to break every 10 minutes and increase over time.

  • Bring a book - if you love to read and just don’t have the time, kill two birds with one stone. You don’t have to read the whole time, but you’ll feel even more accomplished getting in a chapter or two on top of what you’re doing for exercise.

  • Watch Netlfix/Youtube etc - I love Architectural Digest and their Open Door series on Youtube. You can watch 3-4 of them in a half hour - HIGHLY recommend if you’re into interior design.

  • Answer emails/ Work - Ok this one I have to add because I love working (for the most part HA), but I also love to multitask. This one is a bit easier on the stairmaster once you’ve gotten the hang of it a little bit more, but emails and small work tasks (and client programming if you work in fitness) are some things you can do during LISS cardio. (Low Intensity Steady State).

  • Eat beforehand + hydrate - This one may seem obvious, BUT if you don’t eat before any workout or you’re not hydrated..chances are you will feel like sh*t. You’ll be able to get through cardio a little bit more easily if you’re nourished and hydrated !


train your mindset


the miami method/daily habits